Its my first time blogging about my life so if i have any errors please do forgive me okay??
And if you do not like reading about it, you can just leave because this is all about my life and is private blog.
Here goes, W11 outing had just finish on Sunday and guess what i met a girl who is studying nursing...In the beginning we just introduce ourselves to get to know each and everyone of us in the w11 outing combo. In order to get things started, Ian and the guys throw me in the pool 1st, I knew that was coming and I evaded that but is 5 guys on 1 how can I run XD...After many hours of bbq, we plan to go back and swim again and during a period of time Elanie got angry and shouted at us asking that why arent we listening to her(She was looking for the UIU firsbee),Sorry Elanie...
Okay back to the story about the girl, Ian borught a few poles which function like a water gun so I use it and bring it to the bbq area, I actually intend to only spray abit but there is people resisting and I accidently spary the water at that girl(I will just call that girl ting okay?). Since it is late, we decided to change and go home when I took out my towel, Ting went like i have no towel so I lend her mine and we start to chit chat more after that. Before going back we even exchange numbers HAHA but do not get me wrong i took her number just because my towel was with her and of course i need to get it back (Okay I admit i have some feeling for her)
The next day which is Monday, she sms me and we started to sms each other. The question she kept asking me was my age and i did not tell her. Ended up she gave up and she asked me to add her in msn. Well is 3.40am in the morning and i have thinking the whole day is this feeling just this moment of time, is it just because of lust or is she the one??? I hope I have the answer but i guess i will know the answer after i get to know her better. Not forgetting she is older than me by 1 or 2 age i guess, since i did not tell my age i also did not wan to ask hers. ^^
There is many emotional post that i would like to post but since it is my first time, I decided to scrap of the idea and post about this girl i met...
P.S : My emotional post have never really been reveal to anyone so if you want to know more about my secrets stay tune for the coming post.