Monday, November 17, 2008

A pieces of my past and present life

Well i guess i am starting to like blogging. I remember that i say its a waste of time blogging but I could only express myself through blogging and it makes me slightly happier.
I guess the previous post(third post) is very messy and hard to understand because i was too emotional and did not really include the real exact details in it. Anyway you guys can just skip that post.
I remember once i said if i found a girl that i truly love i will stop gaming but i am still a bit blur whether she is the one, the more i get to know her the more i feel is impossible to have her. Maybe because i lack of confidence which i always do. This is because every time i regain my confidence, someone will be there to break it. I guess is time that i should get my confidence back and not having anyone to break it. God is also helping me in way, this morning A guy from true fitness call and ask me to go for the appointment for gym and is a 1 week free trials. Hahaha......
I have not stated that 'she' is having exam next week so i did not wan to bother her and at the mean time i can go gym do workout so that i will also be able to regain my confidence back.

Besides that, I need to start studying as my exams are coming. I am finding study group, anyone want to join me???

Anyway i wish 'her' all the best for her exam. As for me, i must not give up trying to regain my confidence...


lingling said...

hey.. well i guess i am able to know more on how you feel through here than u telling me yourself. Take your time to know more about C. She is having hard time now and don't push her okay...? C has lots of things in her mind now and going through lots of difficulties. I promised my brother not to interfere. Thats why i cant say much but only give you some hints. I care bout both of you. but for now, you just need to focus on your studies now. Make sure your CGPA is stable before trying to do other stuff. okay.. you yourself knows that your time is so pack. so divide it properly. priority comes first.

if you need anything and if i can help, i will surely do offer...

Charlene.G @ 雪琳 said...

didi~~~ be strong!!!! =)